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Donate your time by volunteering

with ART 180.

Our ART 180 volunteers help us aim higher and dream bigger. Volunteers provide integral support for our organization whether it be as part of a one-day event or larger scale and long-term project. Volunteering is an essentially valuable part of ART 180, and we deeply appreciate those who choose to donate their time just as much as those who donate their money.

If you have any questions about our volunteering opportunities, please email our account and we'll get back to you shortly!

Available Volunteer

Experienced Photographers

We are looking for photographers with their own equipment and editing capabilities to help us capture the stories of our events and exhibitions. This is a recurring need for our organization, so please fill out the form below to express interest! An ART 180 staff member will reach out to discuss upcoming opportunities. Please have examples of your work/portfolio available to share.

ART 180 logo

We are a collective of creative people cultivating the tools and strength of spirit to meet every moment, every trauma, and every triumph head on.

ART 180

114 W. Marshall St

Richmond, VA 23220


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Made with ♥ in Richmond, VA • © 2024 ART 180, Inc. • Privacy Policy • Terms of Use

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