The Amazing Dream is ART 180's annual grassroots giving campaign. From September 21-25, we are calling on our community to help us raise $15,000 to support and sustain our creative youth programming. Even during COVID, ART 180 continues to provide a safe and nurturing space for young people in Richmond; helping to foster and engage their creative voices. The "dream" of the Amazing Dream belongs to our young people. Help us continue to be part of nurturing this dream. We ask for your support. Make a donation today!
Update: This year's campaign was so successful thanks to generous support from many old friends, new friends, and those in our community that understand the impact our work has for young people in Richmond. This year, we raised $26,878 over the course of one week. That's over $10,000 past our initial goal and we are humbled and so grateful for your support! This is all possible because of the collective support of many of our small donors. Everyone that contributed, whether $5 or $500 has our gratitude.
Meredith and John Arendale
Breanne Armbrust
Chris Barker
Stephen Batsche
Greg and Emily Bauer
Annie and Corey Benjamin
Samuel Bjorklund
Scott Blackwell
Annie Blazer
Megan Bolten
Regina Boone
Rob and Sharon Brager
Ellie Burke
Melissa Childs
Jennifer Christensen
Joshua and Adrienne Cole Johnson
Anita Coleman Wynn
Joan and David Coogan
Allison Cosby
Eric Creasman
Crossroads Art Center
Sheri and Tom Crowell
Philip and Kay Davidson
Matt and Stephanie Davidson
Rob Davidson
Marisa Day
Cheryl and Paul Dillard
Robert Dortch
Kim Doty
Birch Douglass
Marty Dunbar
Kim and Michael Elder
Sarah Elliott
Nancy Falcone and Mark Vasas
Nancy Falcone and Mark Vasas
Marsha Feldstein
Tiffany Ferreira
Franklin Lindsey
Barbara and Bob Fultz
Barbara Garazo
Vaughn and Traci Garland
Frank Gilliam
Taekia and Hamilton Glass
Michael and Grace Golden
Martha Guthrie
Liz Hass-Hill
Jan Hatchette
Mary Holland and Eric Norbom
Nicole Holland
Martha Hrank
Timothy Hurley
Tammy and Brian Jackson
Melissa Jiulianti
Leslie Johnson
Darius and Monique Johnson
Margaret Jones
Helene and Tom Kastenbaum
Sally Kemp
Sarah and Steve Kim
Ellen Kim
Aijung Kim
Noah Kim
Elizabeth King and Carleton Newton
Jen and John Kostyniuk
Eliza Lamb
Vickie and John Levy
Monica Lewis
Ron and Charlotte Lively
Laura Loe
Nancy and Chris Lucy
Nancy and Chris Lucy
Amanda Macdonald
Adria Martinelli
Sarah Masters
James Matthews
Natalie May
Sheena Mayfield
Jill McGrath
Matt McKay
Edith Mejia
Howard and Carol Mendelsohn
Tricia Monasterio
Julia Monroe
Lane and Billy Mosby
Jeff Murphy
Erica Murray
Jim Myers
Corbin and John Neuner
Sally O'Brien
Ian O'Brien
David O'Brien
Sean and Lili O'Brien
Carson Overstreet
Frosty Owen
Erin Painter
Laurie Parfitt
Patty Parks
Leslie and Graham Parlow
Marlene Paul
Jerry Peters
Sarah Posey and Josh Roy
Martha and Bobby Proutt
Siv Ranko and Bill Barrett
Beth and Bill Reichert
David Rennolds
Quentin Reynolds
Jennie and Chris Romero
Elsie Rose and Lyall Shank
Stephanie Saccone and Paul Mayock
Diego Sanchez and Jennifer Garvin-Sanchez
Anne Savedge
Paula Saylor-Robinson and Danny Robinson
Cindy Seel
Cullen and Rosemary Seltzer
Kim Smith
Arpie Starke
Courtney Stubbs
Mollee Sullivan
Betsy Thomas
Linda Thomas
Andy Thornton and Sarah Paxton
Maggi Tinsley
Charles Tinsley
Eric Tomlin
Karen Townsend
Peggy Van Yahres
Bruce Vanderbilt
Suzanne Vinson
Paula Wachsstock
Peggy Walz
Julie and Paul Weissend
Amy Wentz
Rachel White
Brooks Whitten
Jen and Mark Whittenberg
Lawson and Romesh Wijesooriya
Sue and Allen Wimett